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New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 19:31
by nickbrod
According to the OS tonight David Phillips says there could be new owners - fairly soon.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 19:57
by torq2u
On the OS:

Dave Phillips:
It was good to inform the fans as much as we could about what is going on. If you level with people as much as you can then it does help.
The chairman has made it clear that new investment is needed for the club, and that there could be new owners on the horizon.
We’ve been talking to people today. It shows promise, but until people actually come up with an offer, we’re still considering all of the parties that have approached us.
"Hopefully the deal will be done pretty quickly."

it's good to see the Chairman has acknowledged that keeping supporters informed can help to fend off rumour and conjecture, but it's a pity this whole statement is not specific enough and so creates more doubts!

It worries me that we were told there were two offers on the table and two more interested parties, yet words like these come across as less certain; are there actually two offers then?

We have known for months there COULD be new owners on the horizon.

Oh, and I've been talking to people today too (the wife and kids, mainly). :}

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 20:46
by Kit_robin
Was about to post something similar myself. More fudged communication by this board it seems, or worse deliberate misdirection.

At the fans forum we were told there were two actual offers on the table (and they were waiting for two more) - this was interesting enough for the herald to make an actual point of expressing that later, and it actually quelled a bit of disquiet in the room. I got the feeling that a rather uncomfortable line of questioning was abandoned when Rob Stanley revealed that not only were they talking to people, they actually had OFFERS. Now we're told no-one has made an offer.

Either they're doing this deliberately or they're just not very good at communicating. I hope the latter but neither are good.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 20:56
by portugull
Kit see my post on "Can we raise £400,000" Your interpretation of the Statement is the same as mine. Very worrying.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 20:58
by hector
"Hopefully the deal will be done pretty quickly." (says David Phillips)

That basically translates as 'I haven't got a clue when/if it will ever be done.'

We heard the same sort of thing when GI were hanging around.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 21:16
by nickbrod
No surprise that it's all smoke and mirrors. Is this a way of preparing us for the return of GI?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 22:03
by Dazza
I must be daft but I am not that cynical. Why issue a press release at all? . It's only a week after the fans forum. I would be more worried if another week or two had elapsed.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 22:10
by ferrarilover
Getting banned for this, don't care.

Yup, he was right, keyboard wankers.

You all know that specifics can't be divulged, yet you're complaining about it anyway.

Maybe get a hobby, it will fill your time with something other than endlessly and baselessly moaning about absolutely everything the Chairman does and does not do.

You have no right to know, you have no need to know and there is presently very little to know. Some people have expressed an interest in buying the club. Negotiations are ongoing and we expect they won't take long.
Obviously (like unbelievably obviously) it's in neither party's interest to make public any of the specifics, so they won't be doing that.

Neal, what's your salary? How long is your penis? Do you last very long in the sack?

Yes, you're offended. You know why? Because I'm asking questions to which I have no right to the answer and which are precious little of my business.
Now imagine I'm not just some **** on the Internet, but 1500 **** on the Internet and I'm calling your workplace and asking these questions and they're being asked in the local press and you're being called an arsehole for refusing to answer.
Now imagine that quite aside from all that, that you actually want to give out the information to end all the speculation and the name calling, but that if you do, you'll be lumbered with a liability you can't service and you'll probably find yourself in court.
Now imagine that all this came about because you are the only one daft enough and who paid enough attention at school to be able to afford to keep alive the club you're presently being accused of doing your best to shaft.

All of a sudden, it's not so easy, this being a Chairman lark. You can't please all of the people all of the time.
I know things about the club (and a whole shit load more besides) that I simply cannot talk about. In some cases I'll betray the trust of a pal, in others I'll go to prison. That doesn't stop the detractors, the unbelievers, the keyboard wankers from getting on their high horse and proclaiming this, that and the other.

All you need to know is what you've been told. If you want to know more, find half a million and bid for the club, them you'll be right in the thick of the action. Until then, you've no part to play, so pipe down.


New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 22:18
by arcadia
A lot of sense Matt but could have been put better.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 22:21
by lexusguy
Um yes I think we get the point Matt
I think it probably needed spelling out in everyday language lol

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 22:58
by hector
I think Matt must have missed the GI bit that lasted 6 months.

Perhaps it all happened when he was banned.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 23:09
by torq2u
Matt, a little respect please which the Board lacked last week.

Are you missing the point that the Board told us specifics last week that could have been divulged a long time ago? Which may have saved us the rumour that Steve Tully was our new gaffer, for example. They chose to tell us specifics about the Gus and Eunan deals, again which could have come out before and saved some speculation and criticism of their business acumen.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 08 Nov 2016, 00:01
by Soupdragon
No, ferrarilover, it is not the same thing at all. We have never asked the board for 'personal' information, and certainly not on the tasteless level you state.

Surely you can appreciate that a football club is a unique type of business? They might 'own' it on paper, but it's 'our' club as much as theirs, and we will still be here when they have long gone. That's if we have a club to support.

You have entirely ignored the last 18 months. We are in this situation precisely because the current board cannot afford to keep the club alive. They never could. They clearly have no more money of their own to put in, and haven't had for some time. It seems they thought that TUFC could be run on cash flow ... well, maybe it could (c.f. Mike Bateson), but not the way this current lot run the club.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 08 Nov 2016, 00:15
by Rjc70
Offers mentioned at the forum and news within two weeks. 'Until people come up with an offer' talked of now. I am glad he agrees that fans forums are a good idea. People aren't stupid and do invest time and emotional support into the Club as fans, not expecting to be regarded as 'really worthy, but worthless really' as ferrarilover put it the other day.

A couple of weeks we were told. A need for speed was discussed. The latest news isn't a great starter for ten on the bearing fruits front, possibly contradicting what fans were publicly told last week, but hopefully we'll get something not contradictory, honest and giving of hope within that timeframe.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 08 Nov 2016, 07:15
by gullpower
I feel that I have been duped.

I came away from the forum last week with the impression from the Board that there were two others being spoken to but there were two definite offers on the table - the Board were choosing which one was best for the club. Now we are told "We've been talking to people today. It shows promise, but until people actually come up with an offer, we're still considering all of the parties that have approached us."

So what happened to the two definite offers? Did I get that wrong? Or were they just a ruse to appease fans at the forum?