Search found 327 matches

by gullpower
16 Oct 2016, 08:53
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: MOTM - Woking
Replies: 10
Views: 1505

MOTM - Woking

Young - his crosses are too good for Blissett and Williams to get on the end of
Verma - agree with above
Moore - did well in the difficult conditions
Snoop - thankfully the howler he had a few weeks ago seems to have been a one off
Richards - didn't blast the ball out of the ground once
by gullpower
16 Oct 2016, 08:43
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: FA Cup Qualifying - Fourth Round - Torquay v Woking 1-1 - Replay 18/10
Replies: 194
Views: 23501

FA Cup Qualifying - Fourth Round - Torquay v Woking Matchday Topic

I would not argue with anyone that Nicho is the right man for the job but this is the second home game that he has brought on subs in the dying minutes of the match. Players need more time if they are going to make an impact or have any influence on the game.
by gullpower
15 Oct 2016, 13:47
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Where's everyone gone in the forum?
Replies: 79
Views: 8327

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Well done Ben_Gull. Sound opinions well expressed.

As a new comer to posting on the forum I can’t comment on those who have come and gone, but it seems to me that the forum is busy when there is something of note to comment on e.g. the position of TUST in relation to a new supporters club or when property developers are about to buy the ground.

I find it hard to believe that other football fans regard TUFC as a laughing stock, as stated by some of the posts on this topic and others. We’re all in the same boat, and those clubs with a sugar daddy surely must appreciate how lucky they are. Ok, so there have been some naff decisions made, but the club’s predicament is also of the result of the hand dealt to clubs in the lower tiers of English football.

There is a point of view that the Premier League is a world league played on English soil. That said, the National League is the fourth tier of English football, the equivalent of the old fourth division. So now that there are literally billions flooding the top tiers of English football why not make provision for some of that to filter down to National League level and below? If clubs like ours had the funding to run academies and pay players better wages it might just make a difference to the game at international level, cos it can’t get much worse!

That’s my lot – off to the match, COYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by gullpower
02 Oct 2016, 08:44
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

Alpine Joe wrote:Just say you were one of the leading TUST militants, and last season, just for example you seemed to have
little interest in Torquay United or attending games at Plainmoor, in fact, if anyone wanted to speak to you
they'd be better off going to Sandy Park at Exeter where they'd have more chance of bumping into you watching the rugby.

Yet at the same time your importance was such that a fellow TUST member advocated that the Football club (an organisation
currently with only 3 full time employees, not attached with the playing side, remember) should dispatch a member of staff
to your home, probably the best part of an 70-80 mile round trip from Plainmoor, in order to plead with you to start attending
matches again. That sort of thing clearly not only leads to a massive sense of self importance, explaining why you'd feel able to
look down your nose at the hard work, time and investment Peter Masters and the Truro fans have put into growing their little club
and getting ever closer to having a new modern stadium for themselves, while you casually dismiss it all as 'tinpot'.

Now let's just say, that when a growing number of supporters seem to be having concerns that increasingly extreme outbursts
from TUST militants might just be designed to frighten off any new purchasers of the club, or new owners, so that, surprise,
surprise....there'll then be no one left other than the TUST's hands for the club to fall into, even more evidence starts to
stack up revealing your tactics. Let's just pretend that the 'My feeling is that fans should NOT pay into the Players Fund'
wasn't damaging enough on it's own in highlighting the 'let's starve them out, until they give in to us' approach that the
militants appear to take towards the club. Let's also just imagine that a few days later, further evidence came to light of
you advising a top TUST official that 'I think TUST need to be a little more guerrilla in their outlook'.

The fact is that the Torquay fans aren't as thick (with the possible exception of chardie) as you're hoping. And even if they
do google 'guerrilla' and immediately read 'a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting'. What
indication does that give ? Well we all know what small irregular group you're a member of....and it's clear as day that it's
fighting the club until they give in to you, rather than helping them, that is what the TUST's militant wing is advocating.

It's bad for recruitment, it's an uncomfortable truth, it won't sit well with TUST hierarchy, but at the same time you can't
deny it's true, because the evidence exists. If at long last the TUST is seen to make some efforts to rein in it's militants
then it can perhaps start to undo the damage their confrontational tone is likely to cause.

So if you can't deny the message (as the evidence exists) what do you have to do ? That's attack the messenger !
But seemingly without considering that by using bare faced lies such as labelling me a 'mate' of Chris Roberts, when I've never
met, spoken to, or expressed an opinion on the guy, you are at the same time, dragging the reputation of the organisation
to which you belong (TUST), through the mud with you.

The average fan would far prefer you to provide some evidence for your claims, rather than just resort to dishonest mud-slinging.
For instance, is it true or not that one of the TUST's top men, Chris Fleet, is highly involved in setting up TUOSC ? And why, if TUOSC is
a Pete Masters creation as you tell us it is, designed as a parallel organisation to help discredit TUST, then whatever is Chris Fleet doing
by arranging for a Company of which he is a Director to sponsor this new supporters club ??

If TUST are sending out their attack dogs in an attempt to silence anyone who dares question them, it's a tactic that won't work.
The light of transparency obviously doesn't sit well with the militants. But if they want sauce for the club goose, then they won't
succeed in stopping us from applying it to the TUST gander also.
Exactly what is a "TUST militant"?
by gullpower
29 Sep 2016, 06:51
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

Glostergull wrote:If you all take a moment to sit back and digest the opinions of the posters on here, then try to imagine that you have worked and built up a pot of gold and was in a position to finance the club. what would your requirements be. if you have worked hard for the money you have amassed. would you not expect to be the one having financed the club to call the tune. and would any of you be extremely annoyed if all you got was grief for all your efforts. what would you think for example if you put in a million to take the club forward for the next two years and we didn't get promotion. and ended up with vitriol and critism from members on this forum. and some from outside who are prepared to ring you up late at night to harass you and threaten you. what would you expect. and given that we have such violently opposed members on here already. from the totally negative Brucie and Wivel to Hector or Alpine joe or Emet Edads beard. Oil beefed hooked or even me, etc. with wildly differing opinions (and everyone is entitled to an opinion even Brucie and Wivel) my point is. no matter who comes in and puts money in. (and I suspect there are some out there who have the money but see the reactions of football fans who seem to think they are entitled to dictate what and where the money should go but won't want to invest as they don't want the aggro). Will want to have the major say in what happens at the club. if we want to put our own money up to buy the club then we can expect to have the major say in what happens. but others will more than likely end up in charge and we will have to accept that if we want the investment then we will have to accept that they call the tune. and if they don't like the aggro from certain sections of the fanbase then they will not want to interact with them.,@"';:\|?/.,<> There some grammatical aggro for you to chew on as you no doubt will want to pull punches over the grammar. :keepie: :na:
So are you saying, that a cooperative made up of a wide fan base, where those that run the club are appointed by a democratically elected board, and those members, of the said cooperative, regardless of how much they invest, have one vote, so that those who can only invest a minimum amount can have an equal voice with all other members, should run the club?
by gullpower
28 Sep 2016, 20:30
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

jimhart wrote:Hi
I have been a member of TUST for several years.
I joined as i felt all assistance to Torquay United was welcome.
I thought it had funded some projects for the club but my memory may be mistaken.
It now seems that it is solely for setting up a Community Club subject to sufficient finance and thats fine.
It seems to me there is still room for the traditional "Supporters and Juniors Club " role.
We have had difficult years and over this period there has been a blame culture on all sides.
Can we not bury personal hatchets for the sake of TUFC.
I know nothing about this Masters person but i would except financial help from any genuine source,
however the last prospective owners were given far too much time.

The Board have made mistakes but they are all we have got at present.
Lets stick together.
I shall be joining the new supporters club.
Peter Masters is a property developer whose only interest is lining his own pockets - just like the last prospective owners.

There is no white knight coming to save us - if there was he would have arrived already.

That leaves community/fan ownership which I believe is the best hope of securing the long term future of the club. I also think that TUST with the help of Supporters Direct offer the best hope of achieving fan ownership. TUST is an open, transparent and democratic group, which makes the accusations of militancy ring a little hollow. Passionate and enthusiastic yes, but not militant.

I agree with Jim that we should be sticking together. For me the jury is still out. Before I join I will wait to see if TUOSC has been set up as a rival to TUST or whether they will compliment and actively work with TUST.

I would also say to those who are wary of TUST to look at the wider picture, take a look at the Supporters Direct website and see what they have achieved at other clubs. Also, I think it's obvious to all supporters, that whether it's TUST or not, whoever or whatever gets the gig, the task of turning the club around and creating a sustainable future for the club will have a f###### hard job on their hands.
by gullpower
28 Sep 2016, 19:28
Forum: Off Topic
Replies: 10
Views: 2615


I went down early for the 7 pm meeting and couldn't get in. The doors closed at 6.45 pm. Those that did get in had queued in the drizzle for a while. Questions asked by the throngs of people outside why they had chosen such a small venue when they must have known the strength of feeling and the numbers that would want to attend!

I did get to voice my concerns to Kevin Foster who is very supportive of the campaign. (I may have to vote for him next time round - I wonder if he supports the Gulls like his predecessor?)
by gullpower
27 Sep 2016, 06:50
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

hector wrote: Please explain how a democratic organisation like TUST is militant?

How does an 'Official' Supporters Club, where the committee has been handpicked and selected before the club has even been launched represent supporters more than TUST, where the equivalent of the committee are democratically voted for by supporters?

Which one of those organisations really represents supporters and acts accordingly to the wishes of supporters?

If you think TUST is militant, then join it and vote for someone who is more moderate. Sadly, you cannot do the same for the 'Official' supporters club because the committee is unelected and has been chosen for you. You still think that represents supporters? Do you really want the likes of Peter Masters telling supporters what to do?
by gullpower
27 Sep 2016, 06:46
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

Plainmoor78 wrote:I mentioned earlier about TUST militancy and a lot of the posts in this thread illustrate this. The TUST supporters appear to be saying only TUST and no else should represent the supporters. Gullscorer was right when he said every club should have a supporters club and the lack of one is one of the reasons why the club has become distanced from the supporters. There is nothing preventing someone belonging to both organisations. TUST and TUOSC exist to fulfill two completely seperate roles. If TUST succeed in taking over TUFC they are going to need the goodwill of every TUFC supporter, now is not the time to imitate Momentum because that is just going to alienate more people.
If the TUOSC is not to be a rival to TUST in trying to secure the long term future of the club it would have been nice to see that stated in some way in the aims and objectives set out in the leaflet given out on Saturday.

However, it's not too late for the board to come out and say so if that was an oversight.
by gullpower
26 Sep 2016, 06:45
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Maidstone
Replies: 63
Views: 9516

Torquay United v Maidstone

TUST_Member_Rob wrote:Highlights
Skip to 2.53m
"...kamikaze defending..."

Apart from the three appalling errors that lead to the goals and LRT they weren't that bad.
by gullpower
24 Sep 2016, 20:37
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Maidstone
Replies: 63
Views: 9516

Torquay United v Maidstone

portugull wrote:We gave this match to Maidstone who to their credit brought 280 fans to Plainmoor.

Verma has been our most consistent player this season but the first goal is always important and it was a huge error by Verma. It was a tap in for Maidstone.

The second goal really proved we need Gerring back in the centre of defence. Boy are we missing Angus. Before being red carded a few games ago Gerring was showing much improved form and GG does not convince me.

Snoop had a shocker and to try and head back to his keeper was suicide. Maidstone could not believe their luck.

At times we did play some nice football but you cannot gift any team 3 goals and expect to win. I feel very sorry for Kevin Nicholson who is doing his best with very little back up.

We have to stick with the players. Criticising every mistake only makes them nervous and it showed today. We really should be beating teams like Maidstone. Barrow looked poor at Plainmoor and are now in the top 4. Things can change rapidly but they will not change for the better if we turn against the team.

Can't understand why Gerring didn't get his place back after his suspension, he was playing well. And something needs to change to improve the Mickey Mouse defending!
Scrivens looks as if he could give any defence problems given the chance. Give him a couple of starts and see how he fits in.
by gullpower
24 Sep 2016, 20:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)
Replies: 55
Views: 6461

Torquay United Official Supporters Club (TUOSC)

Is this an attempt by the board to sideline TUST and replace it with their own tame lapdog?

I agree with Lloyder5 - why won't the club engage with TUST? If this is a prelude to a share issue to raise those badly needed funds for the club the amount raised will be reduced because the fan base will be split.
by gullpower
24 Sep 2016, 09:36
Forum: Matchday Topics
Topic: Torquay United v Maidstone
Replies: 63
Views: 9516

Torquay United v Maidstone

Over here in Cloud Cuckoo Land I'd like to see a 5 nil goal fest to redress our goal difference.
by gullpower
15 Sep 2016, 17:21
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player Songs
Replies: 8
Views: 1390

Player Songs

BelarussianBarryGull wrote:

Going loco Giancarlo Gallifuoco
If you stay too long
Yes, you'll be going loco Giancarlo Gallifuoco
The magic down there is so strong.
This could work. Let's see if the Yellow Army takes up the challenge against Maidstone. Choir master to lead off with the call "GOING LOCO..." :whistle:
by gullpower
14 Sep 2016, 07:15
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Player Songs
Replies: 8
Views: 1390

Player Songs

You hum it son, I'll play it.