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by SenorDingDong
17 Jan 2018, 15:04
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ambition or Submission?
Replies: 130
Views: 17927

Ambition or Submission?

stephen breed wrote: 17 Jan 2018, 13:26 hi guys thanks for the kind words here I have tried not to comment despite being asked from various sources I e paper and reporters ect regarding not only my situation but what is happening at the club and have chosen to keep my own council and completely keep my distance from the club including not watching any matches. That has been very tough after spending a large majority if my life going up and down that motorway and supporting the boys home and away for more years than I can remember. I am extremely saddened by what's happening to this once great club and applaud each and everyone of you that are going through this with the club that means so much to us all. What I did think to offer is to perhaps do a question and answer session on the forum where I will answer to the best of my ability question about my time as c e o and perhaps my thoughts going forward which maybe we can all get behind to aid the future of the club. if this is perhaps some forum members would want then perhaps I can ask Southampton Dave to do a separate thread and people can post there questions there if not then I totally understand.. I will happily do this on either this site or the penn inn forum or both.. Stephen breed
Thank you for responding Steve, I don't blame you at all for wanting to keep a distance considering how you were treated and the flak you got as the 'face' of the board (I think many of us were guilty of it via frustration) even though you were not responsible for the large majority of the decisions that the fans hold against the Phillips board. In all honesty you've already given more to the club than 95% of us who post on this board and are quite worthy of having your time to yourself. I mentioned your name as an example of the need to get TUST publicity but can fully understand if you're not able to plunge into the murky morass of Torquay United politics once more.

I would be all in favour of such a Q&A style thread but I would be very careful that you don't say anything that gets you in any trouble.
by SenorDingDong
17 Jan 2018, 12:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gary Owers
Replies: 781
Views: 126434

Gary Owers

MellowYellow wrote: 17 Jan 2018, 12:00 The Gulls are in exactly the same position as they were in 2016's 'Great Escape'. 12 points adrift of safety with 17 games to go. That season the Gulls staged an astonishing revival with an 8 match unbeaten run and stayed up under the stewardship of Nicho. In January he brought in Nathan Blissett, Danny Racchi, Toby Ajala and Josh Rees on a very limited budget.

Gary Owers is trying to pull off a similar January squad shake-up to the one which helped predecessor to spark his first ‘Great Escape’ but this time Owers has the benefit of financial backing. So with Owers feet now firmly under the table I think it is fair to say we can now make a fair comparison going forward as to whether Owers is up to the job and 'fit for purpose'.

Nicho was deemed by some as not a good manager and subsequently left. That is fair enough and whether Nicho was a good manager or not is not the debate. The issue is, if Owers cannot match what Nicho achieved in his first season should Owers go and be replaced with a 'fit for purpose' manager to take us out of the 'regional football' at the first attempt.
Not quite sure that Nicho had a 'very limited budget' for the second half of the Great Escape, he got a £100k+ injection of cash for the last six months....which resulted in us being owned by the current fantastic ownership group. Sure he wasn't spending FGR levels of money but that injection of cash probably pushed our half year budget to mid table levels.
by SenorDingDong
17 Jan 2018, 11:36
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ambition or Submission?
Replies: 130
Views: 17927

Ambition or Submission?

Southampton Gull wrote: 16 Jan 2018, 23:31 Let's not forget to exclude Steve Breed from this as they knew he would never entertain Osborne so quietly got him out of the way. Disgusting the way he was treated.
I've often hoped that Breedy might step forward and work with the TUST in the battle against Osborne. He's got a uniquely high profile among United fans (Helen Chamberlain is probably the only larger- and she's shown little interest in ever getting involved) which is exactly what is needed to get the word out to the casuals and the happy clappers. I know he was burned very badly by the club but he'd be the ideal figurehead...or someone like Chris Lintott, who probably wouldn't have the time/want the negative publicity that often comes from having to be the one that speaks out.

I've got to the point now where I'm just so sick of all the boardroom shenanigans of the past ten years. We had to fight to get rid of Roberts, then we had the abject drift of the Thea chairmanship, then we had the two years of lies and shenanigans from the Phillips board and now we've got Osborne and the issues surrounding him. I just want to watch a moderately successful club with no fears for it's future, knowing that the owners have it's best interests at heart. After the past 5 years or so it seems like fan ownership is the only way to do that and I don't care if we're playing in the National League South or the Southern League, so long as the club's long term future is secure and the people running it want the best for it.
Just heard from Guy Henderson @ herald express that he is out of the office 'til 23 Jan 18, it'll be interesting to see if my questions get answered or 'lost' in the many ! Anyhow just waiting for Jim Parker to reply.
They'll hide behind claims that they have to be careful of being accused/sued for libel. This is ignoring the fact that you can't be sued for libel if you just print the facts and let the readers connect the dots themselves. Which the HE is perfectly capable of, just write an article about Osborne's past history with sports clubs and failure to build stadiums, make it dispassionate and accusing him of nothing and the HE readers can work it out themselves. It's not rocket science lads. This is why the HE and Dave Thomas' abject failure to do so is so galling. They have no backbone.
by SenorDingDong
16 Jan 2018, 18:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Ambition or Submission?
Replies: 130
Views: 17927

Ambition or Submission?

Teigngull wrote: 16 Jan 2018, 16:53 I have sent emails to the 3 Torbay councillors within the St Marychurch ward , Neil Bent , Anne Brooks & Ray Hill , asking for their views on the current situation at TUFC.
I have also outlined the benefits for the town of the FREE advertising the club brings through the 3 main media platforms (TV , Internet , written press ) etc & how this is diminishing the further down the football pyramid the club falls.
I will update when (or if ) I receive any replies.
Good stuff. More people should be doing this, it takes all of about half an hour to type up a good well reasoned email and send it out to those who do have some influence in the town. The more we can do this the better, remember the momentum that this site and Merse's site helped build up in the Spring/Summer last year around the freehold? We can do it and we need to tap back into it again.
by SenorDingDong
16 Jan 2018, 18:09
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Association Football Club - Sole Director Clarke Osborne
Replies: 98
Views: 16974

Torquay United Association Football Club - Sole Director Clarke Osborne

Teigngull wrote: 16 Jan 2018, 08:18 One of the main problems within the catchment area of the club is there is no LOCAL interest for the club. I was born in Kingsteignton lived in Bishopsteignton, Shaldon & now with my family in Teignmouth some say what a lack of ambition, but I have managed to find everything I need jobs, spouse , children & entertainment (inc TUFC) in south Devon I've never felt the need to look far & wide for anything even a football team to support including one of the top teams which in my childhood's were the likes of Leeds, Derby & Chelsea etc.
Anyhow the point I'm trying to get at is, Torbay is full of people who have retired or moved to the area 'from 'oop north' who have no allegiance to our club at all, I work in the local govt sector & a good percentages of supported teams are the likes of the Burnley's , Preston's , Villa , Birmingham & Wolves etc.
People who arrive to reside in this area from the south east of the country, I have found, are more likely to be part of the 'yellow welly brigade' it's all to do with sailing & water sports. The local kids are nigh on guaranteed to be sporting a Man U , Liverpool , Chelsea , Man City shirt these days as it's rammed down their throats constantly by the written press & on Sky , BT , BBC etc how many Torquay shirts do you see parading the streets other than on match days ?
The club must do better in engaging with the local population it has to get in their faces & generate interest , their is so much more it can offer the wider public but it just doesn't try hard enough ( may be that's part of the 5 yr plan ! ) it never has tried to diversify apart from maybe the bowls club.
So, in a nut shell, if you want the business you have to go out & generate it, speculate to accumulate if the club is destined to die well then fair enough but for Christs sake die fighting not with a whimper as is now .
It might sound a bit mad but the club could really learn from Plymouth Raiders basketball club. They get 1k most weeks playing in a tinpot league in a sport that most people in the UK couldn't care less about in a town with a semi-decent football team and a fairly crap Rugby team. Having been to one of their matches recently they also seem to have a strong relationship with local companies and local media and not just from Plymouth but from the surrounding area. To be able to attract fans in such a situation requires a lot of relationship building and a lot of getting out there and changing people's views on the events at hand. They don't have an inbuilt fan base or a core pool of people to recruit from given basketballs' low profile in the UK and yet they draw crowds not much smaller than ours. These are exactly the skills that Torquay United should be looking to develop. Regardless of the differing sports, they could do a lot worse than talking to the commercial people at the Raiders and see how they do it, the skills are totally transferrable.
Good point, I've long thought that a lack of civic pride in Torbay and South Devon being symptomatic of the apathy that exists towards the club.
It's very true, the town has no unifying culture or history to pull people together. It's an artifical construct of the 1800s based upon an industry that has been in decline since the 70s and will never revive to any substantial percent of it's past glory. The only really famous person to come from it is Agatha Christie, it's famous in mainstream culture for Fawlty Towers and only Fawlty Towers and the idiot 1950s throwbacks that run the Council refuse to capitalise on this, refusing to build a statue of Basil Fawlty because it would 'send the wrong message' - what you mean people puking in the harbour is the right message?, in favour of an endless pursuit of a 'class and sophistication' image that the town last had in the 1890s and will never get back.

None of the town's sporting teams ever developed a Pan South Devon identify nor provided the town a sorely needed cultural focal point in the way that random no mark towns like Rotherham and Chesterfield have, they've never drawn many fans from outside the town boundaries - aside from Newton Abboters in the high spots of the 60s. We're a mismash of local Devonians, Scousers/Brums/Scots who moved into the Bay in the 70s/80s and are bringing up families, a load of retirees from elsewhere and a recent influx of Poles. The local economy is so dire that anyone who has grown up in the town with anything about them escapes in their 20s unless they own their own business or work for the NHS. There is a relentless negativity in the town usually eminanting from people who either want it to be like it was in the 70s and try to block any progress or didn't even grow up in the region. There are legitimately people on Facebook groups complaining about the Abbey Sands development when what was there before was a half burned out shell. There is an almost total lack of local civic pride/culture.

This combined with the over commmercialisation of the game, the oversaturisation of the EPL and people's desire to support a winner (even a foreign club like Barca) over a local club that can't tap into local culture because there isn't one is why Torquay United struggle to draw big crowds. It's even worse when compared to Northern post industrial towns of a similar size, with economies just as poor as Torbay's, who's sense of civic self identity is entirely tied up in their football clubs, thus enabling them to punch far above their weight while Torquay punches far below its.
by SenorDingDong
14 Jan 2018, 13:43
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Torquay United Association Football Club - Sole Director Clarke Osborne
Replies: 98
Views: 16974

Torquay United Association Football Club - Sole Director Clarke Osborne

Southampton Gull wrote: 14 Jan 2018, 13:25 Alex Rowe rightly spurned their advances.
Surely there's more than just Alex Rowe to approach? Clearly GI aren't arsed about putting in place the local board.
by SenorDingDong
14 Jan 2018, 13:40
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: My Offer Still Stands
Replies: 62
Views: 6477

My Offer Still Stands

arcadia wrote: 14 Jan 2018, 11:43 Nicholson as I have said many times before could put a side together but once it was on the pitch could not see when it was going wrong. Yes it should be the General Managers job to get a coach alongside him who knew the game as Nicholson was still learning but some people don't LEARN!
I know there seems to be a few people who don't like him but Colin Lee seemed to keep the football side up together and would be there if the manager had problems that is gone now it's a shame Nicholson did not have him there. Basic errors have been made and if you listened to big Sam last night he's got a similar problem but the difference is he knows the game and has the money.
Owers and Kuhl know the game but can't get the players they want which is part of a managers job but it's hard during a season.
He utterly failed to put together a team this season as well, the sheer amount of his signings who are constantly injured but on hefty multi-year contracts is one of the things sinking the club.

In reference to the previous post, wasn't Colin Lee essentially sacked because he was telling the board that the club should be set for a very small loss in our first season back in the Football League, then out of nowhere it emerged that it as a £600k loss or something like that? For all the benefits of having him at the club and the very good on the field decisions he took, he utterly failed to turn around the Commercial side of the club. Tbh as much as I'm suspicious of them, GI's management of the Commercial side/linking up with Pro Direct has achieved in about a year at least as much as Lee did in three years.
by SenorDingDong
14 Jan 2018, 13:38
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Fit & proper persons test
Replies: 16
Views: 2378

Fit & proper persons test

The policy isn't worth the paper it's printed on, so long as they haven't been convicted of anything in the past then they're fine to buy a club. It's not the Football League looking at owners' past history and seeing whether they're the kind of person who should be morally in charge or a real 'football person'. For reference Massimo Cellini at Leeds passed the test at one point...and the reason why he had issues later down the line was tax issues in Italy, not his frankly ridiculous ownership and running of the club.
by SenorDingDong
08 Nov 2017, 20:48
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Striker
Replies: 155
Views: 41688


Dazza wrote: 08 Nov 2017, 20:10 'Current need' Forever? Apart from Blissett we haven't had a striker at this club since Bowman. Forget your secret defensive strategy. Where do you actually think the goals will come from to keep us up. !
*cough* Brett Williams *cough*. Of course he had to deal with the incredible man management skills of Nicho.
by SenorDingDong
05 Nov 2017, 15:19
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Gary Owers - The Truth!
Replies: 69
Views: 32604

Gary Owers - The Truth!

westyorkshiregull wrote: 31 Oct 2017, 15:21 Cheer Louis...well I love the one on the TFF but it's so quiet on there. I love history of torquay united amongst other things so can't wait for it
It hasn't been an active forum for yonks, I'm surprised people still post there from time to time. It's basically being kept up as a historical resource, which I'm all in support of, there's dozens of fantastic threads on there about the club's history and it was probably the best TQU forum from around 2008-11 and has loads of great match threads from era, which I love to read every now and then when I'm sick of getting smashed 3-0 by NLS teams while starry eyed people bang on about how great King Kev was.
by SenorDingDong
19 Oct 2017, 18:07
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: GI put the club 'on the market'
Replies: 51
Views: 7760

GI put the club 'on the market'

MellowYellow wrote: 19 Oct 2017, 17:49 Well Merse, your right on Thomas and Henderson. Just cannot believe these two defenders of GI can have such a nonsensical journalistic outlook to such a major news issue. 'Internet Rumour' indeed! Do these guy's take a wage for this apathetic display of journalism - if they do, there ought to be a law against it. ... not-651703
They're scared of getting sued and/or being denied their position in the press area of Plainmoor and their free tickets. Utterly lacking in backbone, especially when simply reporting on GI's history is merely repeating facts and GI can't do anything about it...but they still refuse to do so.
by SenorDingDong
18 Oct 2017, 22:08
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: GI put the club 'on the market'
Replies: 51
Views: 7760

GI put the club 'on the market'

SuperNickyWroe wrote: 18 Oct 2017, 22:05 hope you didn't believe all that b*llocks....
Of course I didn't. If you read my posts, I was one of the first people on this site to call out GI during their first attempted take over back when 80% of this site was wetting themselves in excitement about a new dawn for the club.
by SenorDingDong
18 Oct 2017, 22:05
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Supporters' Liaison Officer
Replies: 17
Views: 1640

Supporters' Liaison Officer

Yorkieandy wrote: 18 Oct 2017, 22:01 I don't get the timing of this though if the reports are true and GI want to offload now. Surely it would have been easier to just do what they've done all along which is eff all? Why now? Weirdos!!!!
They're trying to buff up their asset. If they think the stadium/land development deal is a no go then they're going to try and make the club look as good as possible in order to get the best price. They've got to recoup at least the £100/125k they loaned the Phillips regime, plus whatever they want to recoup from what they've put into the club this season - as new owners will not accept GI shifting that amount onto the club as a loan and thus a liability to the new owners.
by SenorDingDong
18 Oct 2017, 22:01
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: GI put the club 'on the market'
Replies: 51
Views: 7760

GI put the club 'on the market'

westyorkshiregull wrote: 18 Oct 2017, 20:54 Thank you merse , amazing the information you unearth for us. Question this is year end for 2016. I know it's for Riviera Ltd but it's not referring to the previous regime as timeline is around then they were in charge. Why also the interview with Clark back in around march with no mention of this ...just playing devils...
The report covers the period leading up to year end 2016, however the actual report is not put together until months after, primarily because it takes time and all the information needs to be collated. PLCs are meant to submit reports 6 months after their reporting year, private companies 9 months. Given Toklon reports on calendar years and it's ten months later, I'm guessing they got an extension of some sort for their submission. The reports were signed off by all involved on 30 June 2017 and the references must have been in date at this time, so it's highly likely that at some point in late Spring and Summer GI have been discussing the sale of the club. Who this was with and where this went, who knows? I can guarantee that Dave Thomas doesn't know for one. It's mildly surprising that something didn't leak but then again there's not many long term employees left at the club now, most are new.

It's amusing that Clarke Osborne thinks us fans are stupid enough not to check the company accounts for these kind of references, which totally undermine his public comments about being in the for the long haul and wanting to build a stadium.
by SenorDingDong
26 Sep 2017, 21:20
Forum: All things Plainmoor
Topic: Chris Todd Q and A
Replies: 17
Views: 2942

Chris Todd Q and A

Christ people. Is anyone going to ask a proper question?

My question would be 'What are your thoughts on the team's current position (honest answer), United had a poor start in their second Conference season under Paul Buckle, while you were at the club, but he turned around, how did he manage this and do you think this is relevant to the current situation where we clearly have a number of under-performing players?'